MOOCs- Massive Open Online Courses: Another way to learn

As someone has said,

I have forgotten what I studied, but I remember what I have learned.

We all attend college to study new things, but institute teaches what is decided in our
course and its syllabus, in many cases it is not enough if you want to learn and understand that subject properly. To understand it, you need to cross the boundary of your syllabus and academic curriculum.

You can also learn stuffs other than your department and grow your skill in your field of interest.

It can be stuff like real life application of the thing which learn or can other than our department.

With such a technological advancement, it would be lame to argue about not having proper resources.

The future is full of integrated knowledge. For that question is where we can get all such materials. Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) can be a good option.MOOCs can help change your life and transform learning at your organization.

MOOCs provide affordable and flexible way to learn new skills, pursue lifelong interests and deliver quality educational experiences at scale. Whether you’re interested in learning for yourself, advancing your career or leveraging online courses to educate your workforce.


There are many profit/non-profit organisation which are provided such course. Many universities of the world come together and provide knowledge.

Here are some of them….

Edx provides around 1935 courses which covers broad subjects from Engineering to Humanity, Literature to Architecture.

Founded by Standford Professor, Coursera provides more than 2000 courses.

Founded by Salman Khan, Khan Academy provides series of short lectures starting from 1st Standard to Graduation.

OpenCourseWare, founded by Massachuset Institute of Technology, provides education for free by professors of MIT.

Along with engineering, humanity and psychology, Udemy provide courses like Music and Photography.

Udacity provides courses related to Artificial Intelligence, Mobile Development.

There are many courses available for computer student from basic to big data, for mechanical student courses like mechanic, Finite element Analysis, smart-grid for electrical engineering student, and many more.

Many courses provide platform for discussion with different student of the world which are part of the course in which you enroll, even at the end of the course certificates are provided.

I suggest once access these websites find course in which you are interested…


  1. Wikipedia
  2. Benefits of MOOCs

Happy Learning

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