Exam-A festival: Prime Minister addresses to school children

Concerning upcoming board exams, a wonderful program had been organized, in which Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi guided students of the nation.

Though the program was pivoted around the board students, prime minister’s advises are not limited only for students, it is so helpful to college going youngsters too…

Here are a glimpse of the program:

  • Answering the question about lack of confidence during examination even after preparing enough, Prime minister quoted the words from Sanskrit, “Aham Bhamhasmi” which stats the infinite ability of a being, mentioning Swami Vivekananda.
  • When asked about Comparison done by parents, Prime Minister Modi insist to Anu Spardha, which is competing with ourselves. He mentioned Ukrainian Pole-vaulter Sergey Bubka who break his own record 35 times.

Do not compete with others,
Compete with yourself.
-Narendra Modi

  • Mentioning Mark McMorris’s winning of Bronze Medal, right 11 month after savere injury, breaking 17 bones, He borrowed Mark’s word and said, “Thank You Life

Here is the full Video.

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